Just wanted to drop you guys a line addressing a few things that may be affecting this blog in the very near future. I will be entering my 1st semester in grad school Monday, August 27th (tomorrow) as I was accepted into a counseling education master's program. I'll also be starting a part-time graduate assistant position.
The reason I'm telling you all this is because it's very likely that my new schedule will effect the frequency of my blog posts. I've never been in grad school so I'm not yet aware of how hectic my schedule will end up being and have no real way of predicting the amount of time I'll be able to devote to Amber Likes Beauty.
Please don't get me wrong, I have no intentions whatsoever on giving up this blog or even necessarily putting it on the backburner. I just have a strong feeling that during these first couple weeks, while I'm getting used to my new routine, there may be some times when I don't get to post as frequently as I'd like because, you know, my head might be spinning ;)
So if you notice a week go by without any new reviews or swatches, please don't think I've peaced out on you, I promise I'll be back soon! I'm just getting used to all this. Hopefully I'm just being overzealous in writing this post and there won't be any disruption of the blog at all. *fingers crossed*
I also just want to take the time to thank all my readers and devoted followers thus far for sticking with me! I love hearing your comments and will still get back to all your messages ASAP <3 font="font">3>
P.S. I'm already slacking on Sample Sunday -_- I've been going to orientations and what not for school and forgot to try any samples. I see that it's something that I'm going to have add to my schedule in order to keep up with it ;-p
P.S.S. If there's any of you out there that have been in grad school or are presently attending, or that have been in a counseling program, I'd love to hear any general advice you'd be willing to give! I have to admit, I'm kind of nervous :-/