
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sample Sunday: Skin, An Apothecary's Soy Body Whip in Poppy

Earlier today in my Birchbox September post, I noted how my favorite part of the box was this Soy Body Whip from Skin, An Apothecary.  After using it again, I can now say that I really love it!

It has a truly whipped consistency, like whipped heavy cream.  I've had many a "whipped" body cream that didn't really feel whipped at all, but such is not the case here.  The Soy Body Whip feels very light when you dip your finger into it to apply.  But, even through it's whipped texture, it still maintains a significant substance in that it doesn't just dissolve into nothing once you rub it in.

Last Sample Sunday, I talked about how for some reason lately my forearms have been extremely dry for reasons unknown.  This cream makes the skin on my arms feel like silk.  They're so much smoother it's unbelievable!  

The sample I was given is in Poppy, a very fresh, floral scent.  I'm not crazy about straight-up floral scents but this is alright.  And I love that the scent lingers on my skin for quite some time after application.  I'm talking well throughout the day!  There's nothing I hate more than applying a beautiful scent to my skin and having it fade in less than an hour.  

Would I be interested in purchasing a full size, based on this sample?  Hells Yes!!!

My sample was 2 oz, which I thought was great for just a sample.  The full size is $27, which is a bit steep for me, but you do get 16 oz.  I'll definitely get a different scent but otherwise I'd love to purchase!

You can find more information about the product on the company website!

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