
Monday, September 17, 2012

L'oreal Voluminous False Fiber Lashes Black Lacquer Mascara Review

PHEW!  That's a long name, right?  Anyways....I'm loving the summer trend of taking mascaras and putting out a super black version of them, so even though I have my reservations about fiber mascaras I decided to pick up L'oreal's Voluminous False Fiber Lashes in the special shade Black Lacquer.  I heard a lot of my favorite guru's saying good things about this so I figured, why not?  Well, I've had it now for quite some time and it's taken me a while to form a real opinion on it.  So, here goes...

Here's the wand.  It reminds me a bit of Maybelline's Lash Stiletto or Illegal Length wands except that it's a bit tapered.  Tapered wands usually bother me but in this case it's kind of subtle so no biggie.  I like the placement and density of the bristles here.  They're placed in different directions so every lash is picked up and while there's plenty of bristles, there's not too many, if that makes any sense.  I've had some mascara wands that have so many bristles that it actually blocks some of my lashes from going through the brush.
1 coat
The problem I have with some fiber mascaras is that the fibers can be a little wonky on my lashes.  Like, they spring off in odd directions.  This isn't an issue here.  My lashes still look uniform and natural.  With one coat, all I really get is definition and darkening.  I don't experience any volume or lengthening at this point, it just makes my lashes more noticeable.
2 coats
It's the 2nd coat that we really get some action.  My lashes look thicker and longer even.  But they still don't look gunky, which is what I really like.  

As far as the 'Black Lacquer' thing, I don't notice where it's all that black.  It's black, but nothing special.  So if you already have the plain False Fiber Lashes, I wouldn't run out to get this one thinking there's a dramatic difference in darkness.

I did wish there was a little bit more oomph involved with the volume.  I've come to expect great things from the Voluminous line and this, while it was perfectly fine compared with most mascaras, didn't exactly "wow" me.

Bottom Line:  Amber Likes!

At the end of the day I do like this mascara and don't regret my purchase.  I tend to wear this on days when  I'm not going too thick with the liner and want a bit more natural look to my lashes.

You can find more information about this at the L'oreal website!  It retails for around $9.

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