As I slowly came to the realization that there was no saving this and I was going to have to start over again, I thought back to my early days of makeup obsession, circa 2009. Back then I was still learning, and primarily doing my makeup for nights out. Being the newbie that I was, I would typically start out with good intentions but somewhere along the lines and between drinks something would go wrong. Drastically wrong.
But back then, for whatever reason removing my makeup and starting over from scratch never occured to me. I remember my roommate saying once "I love how the answer to fixing your makeup is always to apply more makeup over top of it." And that's exactly what I would do. If I was doing a pink and purple smokey eye that went a little too dark, I'd apply more and more lighter shadow until it appeared to be back to a balance (through my beer goggles , that is). Looking through old pictures where that happened, it doesn't look noticeably bad or anything, but I do find it peculiar that I never thought to break out the makeup remover.
I've gotten to the point now where eventually I'll throw in the towel, waving makeup remover wipes in surrender. But I still think I tend to wait a bit too long to do that. I hate to realize that all that time I just invested in a look is wasted and I have to start all over again. Even now, I'll try to cover mistakes up with concealer before I completely erase everything.
So, I'm curious: Most of the time when your makeup look isn't going anywhere near where you want it to go, do you try to fix it with more makeup or do you go right for the makeup remover? Enter your response in the poll widget in the sidebar and please feel free to leave me a comment below :)