Now, you might notice that I have a couple more items in mine than others you may have already seen. This is because I originally got my Vox Box a few weeks ago but it was missing 3 products. I immediately let Influenster know and they were very apologetic and generously offered to send me a second (and complete) box. I thought this was very kind of them considering the Vox Box is completely free and I had not lost anything by not getting all the items listed on the card. So, thanks Influenster!
Here's what I got in my Summer Vox Box:
- Always Tampax Radiant Kit (and a second from the replacement box)
- Includes Tampax Radiant tampons, panty liners, pads, and cute little bag to keep them all in.
- Quaker Banana Nut Bread Soft Baked Bar
- Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy Shampoo & Conditioner
- Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration Lotion Sunscreen SPF 30
- Sally Hansen Nails & Cuticles Hand Creme
- Sally Hansen Magnetic Nail Color in Red-y Response (and a 2nd from the replacement box in Graphite Gravity)
I'm a girl so getting the Always Tampax Radiant Kit is always useful ;-)
I'm not into Nut Bars so I gave Quacker Soft Baked Bar to my grandfather. He seemed to like it just fine since it was gone by the time I went to ask him how it was.
I've used the Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy Shampoo & Conditioner once now and it reminds me of Pantene, which I love, but I found it was actually easier to wash out of my hair than Pantene. I'm going to use it again today when I wash my hair so I can continue to gather up info for a review.
I know it's bad, but I'm not big on SPF and sunscreens. I never burn in the sun, nor am I really out in the sun all that much so I just don't take the time to really think about it. That may change however because this Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration Lotion smells like heaven. Bananas, coconut, and suncreen, exactly what summer should smell like.
Sally Hansen's Hand Creme is one of those products that I never knew I needed until I had it. Actually holding it in my hand was like a light bulb going off saying: "I'm always using lotion on my hands, why not use one that has benefits form my nails and cuticles too?" I can't wait to see if this really does improve my hands and nails!
Finally, there's the Sally Hansen Magnetic Nail Polish. I've already had good time with Nails, Inc Magnetic Polish and I'm glad they've come out with less expensive alternatives like this Sally Hansen version here. You'll definitely being hearing more about this soon from me as I'm testing it out right now! (And there might be a giveaway of the extra one I got! Stay tuned to for that in the future!)
I'm having so much fun with this box. I've actually paid for 2 beauty subscription services and while they were alright, it's the free Influenster program I've gotten the most out of. I highly recommend signing up for it! You can do that at the Influenster website!