
Friday, November 16, 2012

Goody Simple Styles Spin Pins are My Hair's Best Buds

When these babies showed up in my Influenster box, I couldn't help but smile.  I've purchased Goody's Spin Pins quite a while ago and have been an avid fan ever since, so I could always use more!  Haven't heard of them?  Keep reading!

The premise behind these DNA molecule lookalikes is that one of them can hold together hair styles normally require up to TWENTY bobby pins.  Personally, bobby pins can get on my nerves because they tend to leave creases in my hair.  That annoyance is non-existent with Spin Pins.

They're super easy to use too.  I use these most when I want to pin my hair up into a bin really quickly.  All I do is twist the length of my hair until I hit the roots, then begin to wrap the twist around into a bun.  Once I've wrapped my hair around completely so there's only the ends left, I screw the Spin Pins into the bun with the open end pointed toward my hair, targeting the area where twist of hair came to an end.  

Here are the sample styles the packaging suggests:  
 When I first tried it out, I didn't think it would work.  My hair can be pretty stubborn and slip out even the most secure of hair accessories.  Surprisingly, however, my hair didn't budge at all and stayed put all day until I was ready to undo the style.

The only bummer I've come across with using these is that it seems if you use them in wet hair, after a while the pins will lose their smooth and shiny finish and become a bit dull.   That's not a big deal to me however, as I haven't a noticed a change in performance or an effect on my hair.

There are also things that I use bobby pins for that this can't do, such as pinning up those short, annoying hairs near the nape of my neck that can never make it into my ponytail.  So don't throw out all your bobby pins in lieu of purchasing these.

Bottom Line:  Amber LOVES!!!!!

This is such a simple, yet useful lifesaver and I can't imagine anyone not loving this!  I also find the great for putting my hair up into a bunch of little mini buns before bed and taking them out in the morning for a soft curly look.

You can find more information about these on Goody's website.  They retail for $7.29.

Disclaimer:  I received this product complimentary from Influenster.  I received no compensation nor was I required to review the product at all.  As always, all personal views expressed are my honest opinion and in no way influenced by any other party or circumstances.

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