
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My HG Toner! L'Oreal Hydrafresh Toner Review

While I love experimenting with different cosmetics, once I find something that works with my skin, I tend to stick with it for the long haul.  One of these long-term skincare products of mine is L'Oreal's Hydrafresh Toner.

I think there is a myth out there that people with dry skin shouldn't use or don't need toner.  I don't take stock into this belief myself.  Whereas people with oily skin use toner as an astringent to soak up excess oil, people with dry skin can find benefits with toners that kind of "prep" your skin for your moisturizer.  It's all about the type of toner you choose.

Hydrafresh is a great toner for dry skin.  It contains no alcohol, so it doesn't strip your skin at all.  For me, it takes off any dirt my cleanser didn't get to or any remnants of cleanser left behind.  It also makes my skin feel even fresher than with cleanser and exfoliant alone.  I find that moisturizer hydrates better if I put this toner on first.

Bottom Line:  Amber's Obsessed!

I'm on my 3rd bottle of this stuff and I haven't been tempted to stray.  I especially love this in the summer when I'm hot for an instant refreshing.

You can find more information on this product on L'Oreal's website. It retails for $6.

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