
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sonia Kashuk Bare Illuminating Bronzer Review

Can Summer get here fast so I can wear this thing?  Sonia Kashuk's Bare Illuminating Bronzer is a stunning show stopper!  Looking at it puts me in the mind of an Ancient Egyptian princess, draped in gold glamour.  I have to admit though, I was nervous that it may be a little over the top as it looked so metallic in the pan, so I wasn't sure which way this review would end up.  Find out after the jump!

Firstly, this is one of those products that even if they don't work out functionally, it's beautiful to just keep out on your vanity for decor.  It's got this really cool pebble texture to it and if you look at from the side you can see it's got a 3D waviness to it rather just being flat like your standard bronzer.
Stored below the actual product is the obligatory brush that will never get used.  I'd have gladly traded this for sleek packaging, but whatevs.

The packaging, itself, that the bronzer is housed in does feel kind of like cheap plastic.  It reminds me of this fake plastic necklace I used to have that came in a Pocahontas costume set.  It's not a big deal, but kind of annoying when this wasn't the cheapest bronzer to purchase.

Despite it's beauty, I was worried that such a metallic product wouldn't translate well on my face.  So let's take a look at the swatch:
I was relieved to see that it didn't come off as tacky at all.  It imparts a highly reflective peachy bronze to the face while not appearing shimmery almost at all.  It's a really cool effect that I don't think I get from any other product I own.

Personally, I wouldn't use a ton of this product all over my face at once as I think it would be overkill.  I do think, however, that it would be nice just on the tops of the cheekbones for a glossy/dewy glow.

Bottom Line:  Amber Really Likes!

This is a very unique bronzer that I'm happy to have in my collection.  It serves great for a glamorous look that would be perfect for summer at the beach!

You can find more information about this product on the Target website.  It retails for $12.99

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