
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Treasure Hunt with NYX Jumbo Pencils in Cherry and Orange!

I cannot begin to explain how freaking hard it was to find NYX's Jumbo Pencils in Orange and Cherry.  Along with Yellow and Hot Pink, I believe they're discontinued which sucks hard.  It's so difficult to find a good, matte cream shadow.  They make amazing bases for shadows but companies seem intent on ignoring that fact.  Yellow is the one I wanted most, but I'm thinking that's a feat I'll never succeed at.  But I do have swatches of Cherry and Orange for ya!

Orange, Cherry
Orange, Cherry
The names are pretty straightforward.  Cherry is exactly that, a matte cherry red.  But while orange is, indeed, orange, I'd venture to say it's more of a pumpkin orange than more vibrant oranges like Maybelline's Color Tattoo in Fierce and Tangy, for instance.

If you're interested, my original review of NYX Jumbo Pencils can be viewed here, along with swatches of Milk, Iced Mocha, Yogurt, and Pacific!

You can find Orange and Cherry at at $5.50!

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