
Friday, July 27, 2012

UTATZ Temporary Tattoo Review + Giveaway!!!!

I had a really good time reviewing UTATZ for you guys!  I constantly go back and forth on whether I want a real tattoo or not so it was great getting to have a tattoo I didn't have to make a commitment to for a few days.  UTATZ is a new temporary tattoo system that's fun and easy to apply and wear.  And before you ask, no, this isn't like those little, kiddy temporary tattoos you get out of the bubblegum machines.  And as an added bonus, I've also got a giveaway for you at the end of this post!

The value pack I was sent contained an Airbrush Tattoo Spray Can, 5 stencils, 2 Alcohol Prep Swabs, and a set of easy-to-follow instructions.  The Spray Can is said to contain enough product for 25+ different tattoos.
The stencils that came in my pack were fun and I think they can suit a large range of tastes.  My favorites, of course, were the set of stars and the butterfly.

As far as the process, at first I thought it would be a bit more complex than those bubblegum machine tattoos, but it really isn't at all.  All you have to do is clean the area with one of the included alcohol prep pads, place the stencil (which has a sticky side so the stencil won't move around once placed) on the skin, and then spray short quick bursts of the spray all over the stencil.  It literally took me no more than 3 minutes.

Another concern I had was that the application might be messy but it wasn't in the least.  First of all, the actual stencil (the red part) is surrounded by what seems to be something like parchment paper.  If you happen to spray outside the red area of the stencils (which I didn't at all), the protective paper around it will keep it from going anywhere else on your body.  As far as possibly making a mess in the general area around you, let's just say I applied the tattoo while sitting on my bed and there's not so much as a spot of product anywhere on my sheets or comforter.  I feel like you'd have to purposefully aim the can at something other than the stencil in order to make a mess.

This is how the stars tattoo stencil came out on my first try.  From afar it looked perfect and realistic, but if you look really closely you might notice a small amount of bleeding on the very bottom and very top star.  This was my fault as I don't think I placed the stencil the way the instructions told me to.  You're supposed to roll it carefully onto the desired area and I half rolled, half plopped it on.  I'm kind of like a guy when it comes to directions.  I like to just jump into things and figure them out myself, which usually leads to mishaps :)

In terms of longevity, the product claims to last up to 3 days.  Claims worded like this always kind of make me giggle because when you use the phrase "up to" the product can't really fail right?  As long as it lasts anywhere between the minute you apply and 3 days the claim was correct.  Regardless of that though, it did last 3 days on me, although on the 3rd day it clearly needed to be removed.  But the 2 days before it looked fine.  As for the shower, as long as you don't scrub at the tattoo it's fine, and the directions suggests lightly patting the area dry instead of rubbing.

Bottom Line:  Amber Really Likes!

I think this product is great if you're going to the beach or some other event where you want to play with body art for a day or 2.  It's fun if you want to experiment with having a tattoo as well.

You can find more information about this product at the UTATZ Website!  They have a ton of different stencils available!

Disclaimer:  I was given this product by the company for the purposes of review.  I did not receive any monetary compensation for this review, nor was I required to review it at all.  As with all reviews, all opinions are honest and my own.

Now for the giveaway.....

UTATZ has graciously given me a second Value Pack to give away to one of my awesome readers!  As per usual I have a Rafflecopter widget for you to easily enter into.  The only mandatory task is to "Like" the UTATZ facebook page!  And, sorry, but this giveaway is open to US residents only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck to all who enter!!!

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