
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fortune Cookie Soap Whipped Cream Review

Have you ever got a whiff of your breakfast and thought, "I wish I could smell like this all day"?  No?  Ok...maybe I'm the only one, but maybe you should consider it.  Especially since Fortune Cookie Soaps has a vast amount of bath and body products that smell like not only Fruit Loops and blueberry pancakes, but also things like cupcakes, fruit punch, strawberries, and, uh, unicorn farts (yea, I don't know either lol).  The smells aren't even the best part though:  these products are amazing for your skin.  They're homemade and are what the company calls "gunk-free", with no parabens, animal testing, or synthetic preservatives!  I lucked out and my mother got me a bunch of their products for Christmas so today, I'm going to talk about the FCS Whipped Cream Body Butters that I was most excited about getting!  Read on for more after the jump!

I received the Body Butters in Blueberry Flapjacks & In The Loop.  At the risk of sounding like Willy Wonka here, Blueberry Flapjacks smells like blueberry flapjacks and In The Loop smells like Fruit Loops.  More specifically, Blueberry Flapjacks smells like blueberries, butter, and maple syrup.  When I first rub it in on my skin the butter dies down a bit while the blueberry is most pronounced, with the maple syrup being somewhere in the middle.  But as time goes by, the maple syrup comes out a bit more.  I'm not sure how to be more specific about In the Loop though, whatever a box of Fruit Loops smells like to you is how this body butter smells.  I can say that the smell is MUCH stronger straight out of the jar than it is once you rub it into your skin.  Honestly, I wasn't sure if I liked it that much in the jar, but once I applied it the intensity calmed down a lot and left the scent that I was familiar with from the cereal.  It may not seem like it, but if you're someone who like soapy scents, you might enjoy In the Loop, as I find that it compliments the scent that my Dove wash leaves on my after my shower pretty well.  
As far as the consistency goes, this stuff is pretty damn thick which is heaven to my desert dry winter skin.  I does not leave any type of greasy residue behind either, just a nice, smooth surface to your skin.  I'm not sure if this would be too thick for some as my skin is pretty much always dry so I could (and probably will) use this in the summer without feeling like it's smothering my skin.
The photo above is of me holding the opened jar upside down to demonstrate you just how thick this stuff is.   It didn't even budge while I was holding it!  Surprisingly though, it's still extremely blendable and doesn't take much to spread all over an area.

Both scents wear off beautifully so you don't have to worry about that play-doh smell that some body creams/lotions leave on your body after a while.  Between the two, I have to say Blueberry Flapjacks is my favorite.  I found that, while both are long lasting, Blueberry Flapjacks lasts a bit longer on my skin and goes better with my body's chemistry.  I love when I put it on at night and then wake up in the morning and still smell the blueberry goodness on my skin.  It's kind of comforting.

Bottom Line:  Amber Loves!!  <3<3<3<3<3

I'll be reviewing a few more products from Fortune Cookie Soap that I got for xmas very soon, including their body lotion, shampoo bar, and body mist.  So far I'm very impressed and look forward to making a purchase with them in the near future.  I'm especially interested in the Unicorn Farts scent, out of pure curiosity.

I've been on a bath and body products binge lately and have been wanting to get away from the normal Bath and Body Works stuff that I'm used to.  What's your favorite bath and body brand?


  1. Hi Amber! I just nominated you for the cute blog award
    I really wanna try these body butters.

  2. Thank you Jezika soooooooo much! That means a lot to me! And yea, I definitely recommend trying the body butters!
