
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Jordana Easyshine Glossy Lip Colors Review

Jordana Easyshine Glossy Lip Colors L-R:  Berry
Colada, Brown Sugar, Fresh Melon, Grape-Tini, Raspberry
I'm writing this today with a great sigh of relief, as up until a few minutes ago, I had somehow managed to lose all 5 of my recently purchased Jordana Easyshine Glossy Lip Colors.  Luckily I had already taken pictures, swatches & tried them out for a while, but when I finally got the chance to just use them they went M.I.A.  After a week of searching I finally stumbled upon them while looking for something else (which is always the story, isn't it?).  So it is with great pleasure I share with you these $2 wonders after the jump!

Swatches L-R:  Grape-Tini, Fresh Melon, Berry Colada,
Brown Sugar, Raspberry
For 2 bucks (I picked these up for $1.50 during Jordana's Cyber Monday sale), you can't get much better than these.  They're packaged and pigmented like a semi-sheer lipstick and shiny like a lip gloss.  In no way are they sticky or heavy.  Oh, and as an added bonus, their individual shade names correspond with both their scent and their taste.  I thought that was a cool little touch since there are 12 shades in all which means 12 different smells (which are pretty accurate, I might add) and 12 different tastes (not so accurate, but not horrible).  Summed up they're pretty much perfect, I really have no complaints.  The only debbie-downer I can come up with is the wear time.  They don't last that long, probably had to reapply after 2 hours, give or take a half hour or so.  But honestly, with the price I didn't expect them to last forever so I wasn't disappointed.  And also that around me these weren't accessible in stores although they are sold in some Walgreens and Kmarts, just not mine apparently.  However, that happens with a lot different cosmetics and brands so I think that has more to do with me living in the middle of nowhere than anything else.  Luckily they're available to everyone on the Jordana website. 
Brown Sugar
Brown sugar is a nice nude brown.  It smells like sugar cookies :)
Berry Colada
 Berry Colada comes across on my lips as a sheer cherry color.  It smells like berries.
 Raspberry is the shade I most wanted.  It's a bright, kinda cool-toned pink with a bit of shimmer.  It smells like raspberries, (I know the scent descriptions are getting redundant, but like I said, the scents are pretty accurate)
 Grape-Tini is a plum-berry shade.  It actually became my favorite of the bunch as I for some reason lack a shade like this.  It smells like grape cough syrup, which I enjoy, but realize it's not everyone's favorite.
Fresh Melon
Fresh Melon is a nude, peachy beige.  It smells like a Watermelon Jolly Rancher, yum!

Hopefully you can tell from the pictures that they made my lips look pretty juicy and moisturized which, let me assure you they are not.  My lips are a part of my body that I've never been insecure about but their fullness does come with a seemingly permanent chapness.  While these gloss sticks didn't actually hydrate, with them on it did give that optical illusion.  That's an added bonus since I didn't find any claims of moisturizing benefits on the packaging.  

Bottom Line:  Amber LOVES <3<3<3<3<3

This was my first Jordana purchase and I'm more than happy with it.  Have you tried these yet, did you like them?

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